A high gloss marine varnish for use on wood.
- This is a true spar varnish containing and exceptionally high percentage of solids and UV filters. Shake the can! You can feel the difference!>
- Recommended for interior or exterior use on new or bare wood above the waterline as well as a maintenance finish on existing varnish systems
- Ideal for exterior application including doors, trim and exterior furniture
- Tung oil based Epifanes Clear Varnish provides fast build-up and an incomparable finish coat all in one can
- Our low VOC/ high solids formulation produces an extremely flexible finish capable of giving the wood on your boat years of protection. Because of it's superior gloss and depth, optimum weather durability, water resistance and gloss retention, this varnish is internationally acknowledged to be the finest clear finish attainable/li
- Bare wood must be dry and free of contamination. If necessary, prior to sanding, degrease the surface with Epifanes Spray Thinner for Paint and Varnish
- Apply first coat thinned approx. 50%. Allow 24 hours to cure and sand with 220 grit dry abrasive paper
- Apply second coat thinned approx. 25% and third coat thinned 15%. Allow each coat 24 hours to cure and lightly sand each coat with 280 grit abrasive paper
- Complete the varnish system by applying at least four more coats, thinned 0-5% as needed (in tropical climates, we encourage an additional six more coats). Allow a minimum of 24 hours between coats and sand lightly with 320 or 400 grit wet or dry abrasive paper
- In order to obtain a varnish system with sufficient build-up, aggressive sanding or sanding machines are not recommended between (fresh) coats
- Dust dry/ Tack free after 3 hours - recoatable after 24 hours
- Depending on the condition of the varnish system and local climate, apply one or two fresh coats annually or as needed
- After a thorough cleaning and sanding of the existing varnish system, Epifanes Clear Varnish may be applied on virtually all one or two component yacht varnishes
- Brush application - Epifanes Thinner for Paint and Varnish or a good quality mineral spirit or turpentine
- Spray application - Epifanes Spray Thinner for Paint and Varnish