This book provides detailed information about the structure and content of the practical and shore-based courses for both sail and motor cruising with the RYA Yachtmaster scheme. The RYA's renowned practical training is complemented by a structured shore-based learning process on the theory of navigation, safety, and seamanship and by specialist one-day courses on skills such as first aid and sea survival. This book informs you of what to expect when taking any RYA sail or motor cruising course and also provides pages for you to log your progress and keep your certificates. Your personal boating experience, from starting up to RYA Yachtmaster Ocean, will be enhanced by this book. This book effectively combines, updates, and replaces RYA Sail Cruising and Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G15) and RYA Motor Cruising and Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G18). It also introduces new courses and clarifies pre-exam requirements for all RYA Yachtmaster exams.