The sailing bible second edition has been revised throughout and brought completely up-to-date, including new techniques and new approaches to navigation, communication and first aid. A complete hands on manual, packed with detailed step by step diagrams, action packed photos and helpful advise on getting the most out of your sailing what ever you r level may be, dinghy, yachting, learning the basics or wanting tips, all the answers in this book.
- Launching, helming and capsizing
- Mastering the trapeze
- Sailing with a spinnaker
- Managing a crew
- Reading the weather
- Racing techniques and tactics
- Buoyage, tides, charts and navigation
- Anchoring and marina berthing
- Knots, ropes and flags
- Boat etiquette and seamanship
- Rules of the road, safety and emergencies
- Boat maintenance and repair and more../li