The sliding toe rail pad eye is designed to be quickly and easily fitted to a standard toe rail extrusion without causing any damage to the toe rail. The pin is captive.
A H C B D E F w/load b/load
pbwd-16613 9 - 13 40 2 - 4 6 (8) 14 15 30 960 3000
pbwd-16614 9 - 13 40 2 - 5 6 (8) 14 15 30 960 3000
pbwd-16615 12 - 15 45 4 - 6 8 (10) 18 20 36 1200 3800
- Attaching running rigging,>
- Barber hauler,>
- Boom brake,>
- Kicking strap,>
- Fender hooks
A H C B D E F w/load b/load
pbwd-16613 9 - 13 40 2 - 4 6 (8) 14 15 30 960 3000
pbwd-16614 9 - 13 40 2 - 5 6 (8) 14 15 30 960 3000
pbwd-16615 12 - 15 45 4 - 6 8 (10) 18 20 36 1200 3800